
(Crabmeat, Cream Sauce, Sherry)

1 Cup Cooked Flaked Crabmeat

1 Tbsp Butter

1 Pinch Salt

1 Pinch Pepper


1/2 tsp Flour

3 Tbsp Heavy Cream

1 Scant Tbsp Madeira or Sherry Wine


There is no finer use of  crabmeat than this, – and so simple, too.


  1. Heat 1 cup cooked, flaked crabmeat in 1 tablespoon of butter
  2. with a pinch each of salt and pepper and a few grains of cayenne. 
  3. Sprinkle on and blend in 1/2 teaspoon of flour,
  4. add 3 tablespoons heavy cream and
  5. 1 scant tablespoon of Madeira or sherry wine. 
  6. When the mixture begins to simmer, continue to cook, stirring, for 1 minute. 
  7. Fold into the center of a 6- to 8-egg omelette.


Basic Omelette Mixture

 6 eggs

3 tsp Cold Water

1/4 tsp Salt

1 Pinch Freshly Ground Pepper

Before making the plain omelette it would be wise to read the detailed instructions in the introductory chapter of The Omelette Book.

  1. Break 6 eggs into a bowl,
  2. add 3 teaspoons of cold water,
  3. 1/4 teaspoon of salt,
  4. a pinch of freshly ground pepper, and
  5. beat with a fork (not a mechanical beater) for 30 seconds.  (If it is to be a dessert omelette, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the eggs and no pepper). 
  6. Heat the omelette pan until the butter sizzles at the touch, melt 1 generous tablespoon of butter in the pan, and
  7. pour in the eggs. 
  8. Stir once or twice with the flat of the fork,
  9. lift the edges as the eggs begin to cook, and let the liquid part run under. 
  10. . Shake the pan back and forth to keep the omelette free. 
  11. . When cooked but still soft on top, turn the left side to the center,
  12. . Slide the omelette well to the right edge of the pan, and turn out the three folds on the platter.


The Omelette Book

  1. juliablake2
    June 2, 2010 at 10:22 AM

    Just got this book and I am a little overwhelmed by how many different types of omelettes there are. SERIOUSLY – a CHOCOLATE OMELETTE? Love my chocolate – but I don’t know…in an omelette? There are a ton of sweet dessert ones – very interesting. Will give it a whirl!

  2. Jen
    June 1, 2010 at 8:48 AM

    OK – so for years I was thinking that an omelet should be folded in half and golden brown on top…I always cooked my omelets to death because I thought that it wasn’t good to be undercooked…obviously I have a lot to learn.

    I have recently seen a video of Julia Child making an omelet very quickly and there is no brown on top whatsoever…AND it’s not folded at all…just kind of shook around and then flopped over.

    Am I the only one who never understood how to make an omelet? Does anyone have tips on how to make an omelet?

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